We don’t get to choose our birth names but in the brave new world of internet dating the onus is firmly on the individual to create their unique user name or alias and register it with the online dating site. The pressure is on to invent their own special moniker – the key that will prompt site visitors to open up their profile; the name that marks them out from the rest and shouts, ‘Click me!’.
However choosing an appropriate name is not quite as simple as it sounds. An online dating name serves as a screen, protecting your real identity and projecting – much like a shop window – who you are and how you want to be perceived. The successful internet dating name will act as a magnet to attract the types of individual you want to contact you. For example, a single lady seeking love and romance might suggest as much with the name PurrfectlyCute. But select an inappropriate, misleading or dull name and someone runs the risk of projecting a negative persona that could actually put people off clicking on their profile.
So what makes a suitable or even a great online dating name?
First, it needs to be short, memorable and unique and ideally should say something special about you. Enjoy working out? Then maybe a name like SixPackSam sums you up in a nutshell.
Second, a name should have positive connotations and present you in the best light as fun-loving, outgoing and attractive eg ZumbaGal immediately suggests ‘young, social female into fitness’.
Third, a name must stand out for all the right reasons and not misrepresent its owner.
Flirtatious and pleasantly suggestive names are commonplace though they say little else except that the name owner is available and looking for a relationship (which is obviously why they registered in the first place) and waste the opportunity to say something constructive and unique.
Of course if someone is interested in love and romance, a long term relationship and total commitment, names such as AndSoToBed or MissWhiplash send out totally contradictory messages (though the ‘hits will just keep on coming’). Likewise WallFlower and EverABridesmaid fail miserably as online dating names (hardly gregarious, successful, fun-loving types), and PublicEnemy1 is only likely to attract the attention of the FBI or MI5 (that’s if it gets through the site’s filters).
It’s fine to be humourous, creative and have fun with online dating names as the inference is that you too are funny and creative which are generally perceived to be positive traits. Equally, a dull, boring and unimaginative name suggests that little thought has gone into creating that screen persona or worse, that the person behind the name may not have much a personality.
Remember that a site may stipulate a certain number of letter characters for a name (eg 12 to 15) so bear this in mind. Also try to avoid using numbers unless they help you read the name as in Fun2CuddleUp2. Also break up names into upper and lower case as this makes them easier to read and remember.
Still struggling to find an original name? Then spend time researching forums. What’s trending? What works? What attracts you?
One last thing… When you’ve decided on a name as with all personal information, keep your alias to yourself.
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